Tag: Lose

Lose 10 Pounds with this Meal Plan

Give your weight loss a jump start! All you need is two days – two days – to make a positive change in your body. That’s only a weekend’s worth of time to jump-start your weight loss plan and purify your body. And it gets better. This flush the fat away meal plan…

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What if trying to lose weight feels easier than body acceptance?

Why can it sometimes feel easier to just keep trying to lose weight than it is to accept your body as it is? Even when you know that years of dieting did little more than take up your time, money and energy, leaving you with a very fraught and conflicted relationship with food…

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Will Going Plant-Based Help You Lose Weight?

Here’s what you need to know. Recently, making the switch to a plant-based diet has been all the rage. Though the transition to a vegan diet can be a challenge, it can also be incredibly rewarding when done correctly. Cutting out animal products is beneficial for the animals themselves, your carbon footprint, and…

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