Tag: Eating

5 Tips for coping with eating disorders at Christmas –

Tips for coping with eating disorders at Christmas Having eating disorders at Christmas can be the toughest time of year! As the holiday season approaches, there is are so much excitement, hype and build up. Lots of people eagerly anticipate the joy of gatherings, feasts, and meals with loved ones. However, for those…

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Secret eating and how to manage it.

What is a secret eating? Secret eating is eating that is intended to be concealed and private from others. When someone eats in secret, they are aiming to find a way to hide their eating habits. This may include hiding away to eat in a location away from others, avoiding eating in front…

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8 Signs Your Body Says You’re Not Eating Enough

Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms your body uses to communicate to you that you aren’t eating enough.  Stress, busy schedules, illnesses, grief, and the hustle and bustle of everyday life can take a toll on us. More specifically, our appetites and the way our bodies regulate hunger. This can often lead…

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Benefits of Eating Meat | Diabetic Mediterranean Diet

July 1, 2023 · 2:15 PM Mucho protein, amigo I found a review article at Animal Frontiers that makes the argument in favor of meat consumption. The authors admit little focus on the downsides of eating meat. I’ve been cutting back on my meat consumption out of sympathy for the animals. Here are…

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